Support the Roadrunner Club

Events and Hospitality

Courtside Club (Basketball Hospitality)

The Courtside Club is a premier pre-game hospitality area prior to every CSUB men's basketball game. To gain access to the Courtside Club, members must be at the Tier One or Tier Two level ($2,500+) and purchase hospitality passes at $500 each. Roadrunner Club members must also be a season ticket holder.

Fundraising Events

Fall event
Coming in fall 2024...

The Hot Stove Dinner raises money for the Roadrunner baseball program. The annual event is headlined by a special guest in baseball. Visit the Hot Stove Dinner photo archive.

CSUB Athletics' trademark event was back in 2023 and will be back for the 49th annual in spring of 2024! The 49th Annual Spring BBQ will be held on the CSUB campus and all proceeds will go to the Roadrunner Club. Visit the Spring BBQ photo archive.